Mexicans Love Morrissey (Doggystyle)

Mexicans Love Morrissey in homage to Joe Cool’s original Doggystyle album art.

Making this piece in Illustrator was a big challenge. I’m still in the process of learning Illustrator and unlearning some of my old habits from Photoshop. I’m determined to keep pushing forward without looking back. Still, as much as I love a challenge working in Illustrator is like learning to draw with my left hand. With every piece I grow a little closer to where I want to be.

Regardless of technical challenges I’m SUPER EXCITED that Mexicans Love Morrissey is less than 24 hours away. I hope to see you there!



Mexicans Love Morrissey

I am very proud to invite you to the first official Mexicans Love Morrissey Party. This is your chance to meet with other Moz-obsessed Latinos and party the night away. I’ll be exhibiting a collection of my latest and greatest Morrissey related artwork.

For information about attending please email

I also thought I’d share this Moz related comic strip I doodled in my class notes recently:

Hope to see you there!


The Greatest Line Ever Spoken

The setup: I’m listening to The Jade Pyramid, the latest Doctor Who audio book read by Matt Smith himself (natch). About 20 minutes into the story I hear Matt Smith speak perhaps what will go down as the greatest line ever:

…he reminded her faintly of A.A. Milne’s Eeyore or Morrissey with a lethally sharp sword.

06 The Jade Pyramid-Track

That’s right, Doctor Who himself namechecks Moz and Eeyore when describing a brooding Japanese warrior. Aside from giving me an epic Chicano nerd boner it inspired the artwork above. How could I resist the siren song of a Morrissey reference in a Doctor Who story, let alone Eeyore? If you want to hear the rest of the story you can buy The Jade Pyramid as either a Digital Download or Physical CD via Amazon.

Bowties are cool,
